2016 Annual Spring Meeting Photos
Dr. Bodo Knudsen performing Live PCNL Surgery from Ohio State University and broadcast to the Westin Downtown Cleveland Hotel
Drs. Leonard Gomella and Mitchell Humphreys address questions during the live surgery.
Drs. Geoffrey Box and Ed Cherullo are learning “tricks of the trade” at the 2016 OUS Annual Meeting.
Ronny Abaza presenting Ed Cherullo with a plaque honoring him for his year of service as President.
Ed Cherullo presenting Mark Memo with a plaque recognizing his years of service at Treasurer.
Male Voiding Dysfunction Practice Panel.
Drs. Allen Seftel and Adonis Hijaz.
Dr. Geoffrey Box congratulating an award recipients.
Dr. Geoffrey Box congratulating an award recipients.
Sexual Medicine Practice Panel.
Dr. Allen Seftel introducing the first case in the Sexual Medicine Practice Panel.
Stone Disease Practice Panel.
Executive Director Denise Castetter and Dr. Ahmad Shabsigh.